Ways to help:
1. Pray!!!
2. Loans to the nonprofit at a reasonable interest rate.
3. Obviously any cash donations will allow us to succeed faster.
4. We are looking for qualified teachers that have a passion for serving Christ through working with children and families.
5. Monthly support at any level will allow the business/ministry to provide faster impact in the community. Even a one year commitment will allow us to get through the initial cash flow stage.
6. Donation of commercial kitchen equipment.
7. Donation of new toys and art supplies for the center.
8. Donation of time and equipment to cover or fill an small swimming pool.
9. Donation of time to help set up and clean the existing facility.
10. We are open to other creative ideas as well.
Obviously we seek aggressive prayer for the success of this ministry. The last year has been an exciting experience as God has taken us into a variety of directions to get us where we are. However, the next ninety days will be crucial in a successful start up and first year of the business.
The needs:
· Building Expenses (Utilities, Painting, etc.) $8,000 · Marketing Costs $10,000 · Administration / Staffing $5,833 · Equipment & Supplies $12,000 Total $35,833 FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION · Cash Flow $50,000 · Payoff of existing equipment purchase $ 9,600
Total First year operating needs $59,600
Ministry Mission Opportunities
We believe that we have been given the opportunity to open a child development center in order to impact families and children for the kingdom of God. Therefore, we believe that it is only through active participation by believers and the faith community that we will succeed in our mission. We have listed below some of the ways one could get involved in helping us impact families and the community:
· Teachers / Teachers aides / Tutoring
· Catering
· Grounds / Facility Maintenance / Cleaning
· Administrative support / Computer Support / Telephone Support
· Translation services
· Printing / Marketing
· Adopt a family for prayer
· Counseling / Mentor
· Graphics? / Marketing
· Legal support
· Mailers / Door Hangers
· Telephone support
· Baby rockers / Classroom Support / Greeter
· Sports activities / Art activities / Music activities
· Bible activities / Family events
· Anything else you can think of!